1. Yoga - I've tried it. Hate it. Too boring. I need action! Excitement! Kick-ass tunes! In case you hadn't heard, yoga has none of these.
2. Meat with any kind of fruit sauce - I'm not even a big meat-eater, but in the past few years have started eating some poultry and fish again after a long hiatus from eating anything with a face. Sorry - but any kind of fruit "glaze" on meat...whether it is raspberry-glazed salmon or apricot-glazed chicken...is just nasty. Meat alone or with a savory sauce = good. Meat with fruity, froo-froo, sweet, girly-sauce = gross, according to the tenspot.
3. Exercising - yes, I go to the gym regularly, but it is out of necessity because I swear I was not born with any sort of metabolism. I don't think I will ever do it because I LOVE it. I've tried, but let's face it, it sucks.
4. Mechanical pencils - You can never get anything done because the lead continually breaks off. You spend the entire time clicking out new lead! I need power and strength behind my writing, not fragile little pieces of annoyance.
5. Recycling, saving the planet, and living all "green" - Hey, don't get me wrong, I love our planet and know our earth is amazing, but the word "sustainability" drives me batty because it is so overused...and I kind of miss the days when we didn't have to wash our garbage. (I fully know I'm going to get hammered for this one - take it easy, people...this is all in fun:)
6. Electronic calendars - I'll admit, I am old-school when it comes to my scheduling habits. I still have one of those old flip-a-week calendars on my desk that I can actually WRITE on. I know, I know, we are in the age of technology and I do get appointment requests via Outlook, but due to my own unwillingness to change I still have to write it down.
7. Running/Jogging - again, I have tried to like it. Have you noticed that runners all look like they are in PAIN?
8. Bumper stickers - Living in the Northwest, you would think there is some sort of law that each person have as many bumper stickers as possible on the back of their car to express their "views." The good thing is, they help me identify idiots on the road.
9. Calling my husband my "hubby" or calling kindergarten "kindy" - these are two really annoying, supposed-to-be-cute words you will never hear me say or write. Oh wait, I just wrote them. CURSES!
10. Gardening - I don't do outside chores and I can't keep plants alive. I have what I like to call a "black thumb." In fact, when I left for college my parents gave me a fake cactus for my dorm room. Yes, a FAKE cactus. They didn't even think I could keep a cactus alive! (Which for the record, I can't...and I couldn't keep my pet turtle alive either.)