My youngest son, Josh, has turned into a total potty-mouth. (Not sure WHERE he gets it - no, seriously!) Anyway, he is 2-1/2, so everything about stinky things, or poop, or butts, etc is funny to him. He sings songs about poop, calls people "stinky-piggy-go-to-the-market-head," wiggles his tush and shouts, "butt-crack! butt-crack!" and generally has a full-on potty mouth. Yesterday my father-in-law accidentally bumped into him and Joshy told him to "watch out, fart-knocker!"
I probably should wash his little mouth out with soap or something...but as I mentioned, he is 2-1/2...so I keep thinking if I just ignore it he will stop eventually because it's not fun anymore. The bad part is, it's hard to keep a straight face and not burst out laughing when he says something he isn't supposed to. Because, after all, he is just so darn cute. Even when he calls me a stinky-piggy-go-to-the-market-head:)
Haha!!! I feel your pain. This is totally Logan. Last year while at Oaks Park with the Krubels he yelled, "Holy crap" at the top of his lungs because he was so excited about the ride he was on. Just one of many proud mommy moments he's bestowed on me. Let me know if you find a way to squelch this lovely habit in Josh, I've yet to find anything that really works. Well, I'm sure it doesn't help that every time he chooses to use a choice word or phrase Mike & I laugh hysterically.