On Sunday we went to church and it was his first time to Sunday School in his "big boy pants"...no more diapers for my little man, (WOO HOOO!) Before we left the house I made a comment that I wanted to be sure and bring an extra pair of undies for him, just in case. He must have heard me say that because when I took him to the restroom at church later that morning, he had not one, but TWO pairs of underwear on under his jeans. Hey, I said he needed an extra pair, right? Apparently he thought he needed to WEAR the extra pair...:)
Yesterday I had the day off work so I took Josh to the zoo. On our way we stopped at Starbucks for coffee (for me) and hot chocolate (for him) and he picked out a little snack bag of nuts and dried fruit to eat in the car. I'm driving along and he is eating his snack, when suddenly he says, "Mommy! I have a strawberry in my nose!" I quickly adjusted the rear view mirror to look at him and sure enough, I can see he has lodged something in his left nostril. He is poking around at it and I say, "Joshy! Why did you stick something in your nose?! Don't touch it! Mommy will have to get it out when we stop the car!" All I could imagine was having to take this child to the ER with some sort of dried berry stuck in his nose (it turned out to be a dried blueberry, by the way, not a strawberry). He says, matter-of-factly, "I put it in my nose for the Oogie-Boogie Man." Um, okay...
Fortunately I was able to retrieve the fruit from his nose without a trip to urgent care.
At the end of our zoo trip, when we were back in the car I said, "I had fun with you at the zoo, Joshy...thank you so much for being my pal today."
Josh: "Huh?"
Me: "Thank you for being my pal today"
Josh: "Huh?"
Me: "Thank you for being my pal today"
Josh: "Huh?"
Me: "Thank you for being my BUDDY today."
Josh: "I'm not your buddy or your pal. I'm your baby."
Yes, yes you are, my love:)
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