Thursday, April 4, 2013

Lordy, Lordy, We're all turning 40

Hard to believe I have neglected my blog for a year and a half. Even harder to believe that I am turning 40 this year, along with all my pals. Some friends have already reached this magical age, some are planning their celebrations as I write this, and some - like me - have a few months before I need to worry about it too much. But it's there...LOOMING. 40. Holy crapola.

I guess it seems so weird because it's really the first milestone birthday I remember my PARENTS having. It doesn't seem like that long ago actually that we were celebrating their 40th birthdays with goofy parties and all their friends acting silly - buying them adult diapers, denture cream and boxes of prunes. Maybe that's why it seems bizarre to be here already. I feel like there has been some sort of time warp that happened between age 30 and now. Turning 30 was fun - and then time sped up out of control, I took a nap, had a few kids and now we're turning 40. The big 4-0. When my Dad turned 40, someone got him a really ugly t-shirt that said, "Four Days Older Than Dirt." That's us, folks. We have arrived at the year of ugly t-shirts and prune gifts.

My daughter, while watching re-runs of Happy Days, asked me recently if I knew Fonzie. Like in the 1950's! As if that wasn't bad enough, my 5-year-old son asked me the other day if I ever saw any T-Rex when I was a kid. Seriously. He thinks I was alive with dinosaurs.

On the bright side, even though I still feel like a kid most of the time (and sometimes the sense of humor of a 13-year-old boy), I do feel like this new age comes with some sort of badge of honor. I've learned A LOT of good lessons over the last 40 years.

Like, for instance (in no particular order):

1. Life is NOT fair. My parents have told me this my entire life and unfortunately, it is true. There are always going to be people who suck, opportunities that don't work out for whatever reason, and people who suck. (Yes, I meant to list that one twice)

2. Laughter really is the best medicine. Give me a pool-full of my best friends, a dirty-word flip book and a pitcher of margaritas and you will watch every care and worry just magically vanish into tears-streaming-down-your-face belly laughs.

3. When your gut tells you not to do something, or not to trust someone, believe your gut.

4. Life is too short to hold a grudge. Forgiveness heals and letting go of anger and resentment will set you free.

5. Slow down every once in a while and appreciate where you are at that very moment. Even if things aren't going your way - if you stop and think about everything you have been blessed with, you start to appreciate the little things more.

6. Travel the world when you can. So much to see, so little time.

7. Never underestimate the power of prayer.

8. Education is empowering. Stay in school and invest in yourself.

9. Even bad pizza is pretty damn good.

10. Having a fancy wedding isn't nearly as important as learning how to stick it out in a marriage through the good and the bad.

11. My children are, and always will be, my proudest accomplishments.

12. Everybody is crazy. It's just that everyone is different "levels" of nuts.

13. Call your parents often, even when you're a grown-up.

14. When you say you will be somewhere, be there. On time.

15. Pets are family, and losing them is heartbreaking. But I'd rather be heartbroken from the loss than never know that kind of unconditional love.

16. My bedroom has been a mess for almost 40 years. I think it's safe to say it will never be clean.

17. Tell the truth. Liars suck. (See #1)

18. Never answer the door for the pizza man on skis, while only wearing your bra and underwear. It's a memory your friends will never let you live down.

19. You are always interviewing for your next job.

20. "Quarter Beer Night" was never a good idea.

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